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Product Description
The Bashful Blonde ( First Published 1960 )
1. Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie
2. Paper Doll
3. Rosemary
4. You're Adorable
5. Cleo
6. Don't Dilly Dally Sally
7. Baby Face
8. Poor little Fool
9. I Don't Want to Set the world On Fire
10. Angel In My Heart
11. I Don't Know Why
12. Cozy Little Compact Car
13. The Clickety Clack Song
14. That's How Much
15. Let Me Belong To You
16. I'll Never Stop Wanting You
17. Ginny Come Lately
18. I Should Be Getting Better
19. Sealed With A Kiss
20. Warmed Over Kisses
21. Walk A Lonely Mile
22. I May Not Live To See Tomorrow
23. If Mary's There
24. Somewhere In The Night
25. I'm Afraid To Go Home
26. Save Your Heart For Me
27. Out Of Sight Out Of Mind
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