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Product Description
1. Earl & Joyce Songer - We're Satisfied
2. Earl & Joyce Songer - Smiling Through The Years
3. Roy Hall & The Eagles - I'm The Boss In The House
4. Jack Luker - Smokey Mountail Gal
5. Rufus Shoffner - Got Anything Good?
6. Rufus Shoffner - Why Do You Treat Me The Way You Do
7. Jimmy Myers - Ding Dong Mama From Tennessee
8. Chuck Oakes - Hey! It's Chuck's Boogie
9. Sonny Sexton - It's A Long Road (That Never Turns)
10. Leon Benson - St. Joe Boogie
11. Floyd Compton - She Will not Turn Over Me
12. Earl Songer - Dissatisfied
13. Earl Songer - Blue Mountain Girl
14. Earl Songer - Spanish Fire Bells
15. Forest Rye - Wildcat Boogie
16. Boots Gilbert & Bob Sykes - Take It Or Leave It
17. Boots Gilbert - Man! Turn Me Loose
18. Jimmy Williams - Teardrops Asnd Memories
19. Jimmy Williams - Loveless Kisses
20. Rambling Rufus Shoffner - Shotgun Wedding
21. Rambling Rufus Shoffner - Afraid I'll Lose You
22. Buster Turner - That Old Heartbreat ExpressFord Nix
23. Roy Rector & Slim Bradford - I Did not Know I Loved You
24. May Hawks - Meet Me Down In Nashville
25. Will Hayes - Honeymoon In The Mountains
26. Pete DeBree - Wanderer's Blues
27. Pete DeBree - My Bucket's Got A Whole In It
28. Hugh Friar - Empty Arms
29. Ford Nix - Is not So Sign