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Product Description
- Tobin Mathews - One of These Days
- Bobby Keene - Move Over Angels
- Eddie Carr - Dance With the One You Love
- Steve Rossi - One Man Show
- The Frontiers - I'm Still Loving You
- Neil Sheppard - In My Imagination
- Vito Picone - Path in the Wilderness
- The Arvettes - Pledge of Love
- Walter Jackson - I Don't Wanna Suffer
- Johnny Caswell - My Girl
- Millie Vernon - The Weatherman
- Lou Johnson - If I Never Get to Love You
- Paul Dino - That's How I Miss You
- Jackie Kannon - Bobby Baby Ya Ya
- Ricky Doran - Rainbow Girl
- Grady Chapman - Sweet Thing
- Al Kasha - Where There's a Will
- Molly Bee - She's New to You
- Danny Jordan - Boom Ditty Boom
- Bertell Dache - You Gotta Have Chicks
- The Frontiers - I Only Have Eyes For You
- Phyllis McGuire - Run to My Arms
- Chuck Payne - Ripple in the Stream
- Jeff Dana - Oh Gina
- Val Martinez - Someone's Gonna Cry
- Keith Colley - Someone to Take Your Place
- Pookie Hudson - Jealous Heart
- David Winters - Princess
- Troy Parrish - Laugh
- Nicky Robbins - Love Me
- Don McKenzie - Whose Heart (Are You Gonna Break Now)
- Jay - I Rise, I Fall
- Charles Pennywell - It's So Funny I Could Cry
- Juliana - You're Saying Goodnight