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Product Description
1. When the Geese Fly Over - Jim Hunter
2. Truth, Trust, Dreams and Heart - Brent Moyer
3. One Fell Swoop - Good Heart
4. Without You - Richard Dobson
5. Seven Days - Rod Mac Donald
6. Mango Moon - Wendy Beckerman
7. Workingmen Unite! - BuckyHalker
8. No Country Road - E. J Bucher
9. Watermelon Moon - Hugh Moffatt
10. Big Blue Sky - On the Verge
11. Constant War - David Rodriguez
12. Delta Moon - Hunter Moore
13. Stolen Art - Jeff Wilkinson
14. Still Don't Know - Endless Avenue
15. Granfer's Double - Paule Cowlan
16. When You Leave Amsterdam - Robin Greenstein
17. 'Chafalaya Basin J. J Reneaux
18. The River - Steve Gillette & Cindy Mangsen
19. The Passing - Jack Hardy
20. The Seed of Life - Sammy Walker